
In stock

Artist name :
Selena Munguluma (6 artworks)
Size :
61 x 87cm
Medium :
Acrylic on Canvas
Status :
In stock

Barnumbirr – Morning Star


Barnumbirr as a Morning Star is a creator spirit in Yolngu culture. Her story is part of the Dhuwa moiety. Barnumbirr flew eastward creating a song-line which includes descriptions of flora, fauna, geographical features and clan borders. Barnumbirr’s songline therefore formed the basis of Madayin Law and the Yolngu understanding of the land.

There is a “Morning Star Ceremony” and due to its scale and importance, the requires a significant level of planning. Part of the ceremony features a Morning Star Pole, which is a decorated and feathers are attached to the top of the pole which represent the Morning Star itself.