Bula'Bula Arts
Evonne Gayuwrri


Raypiny Dhawu (Fresh Water Story)

Northern Marbled Velvet Gecko (Oedura marmorata)

Raypiny Dhawu (Fresh Water Story)

Raypiny Dhawu (Fresh Water Story)

Raypiny Dhawu (Fresh Water Story)

Raypiny Dhawu (Fresh Water Story) with diving duck

Raypiny Dhawu (Fresh Water Story)

Warrnyu Dhawu (Flying Fox Story)
Languages: Dabi
Dreaming: Yirritja
Clan: Gadawarr
Community: Ramingining
Evonne is Joy Burruna’s daughter and granddaughter of famous pioneer Ramingining artist Dorothy Djukulil. Joy Burruna was taught to paint by her mother at a young age. Burruna believed it was important to pass down her knowledge to Evonne so also taught her to paint at a young age. Evonne enjoys painting her Mari (mothers mother) dreamings of Buliya (Catfish) and Banda (long-necked turtle).