Bula'Bula Arts
Andrew Wanamilil

Dreaming: Yirritja
Clan: Ganalbingu
Community: Ramingining
Andrew Wanamilil is an accomplished early career artist who has made an impression for his uniquely detailed style and composition. Andrew primarily paints Raypiny Dhawu (Freshwater Story), often depicting the flora and fauna commonly found in the Arafura Swamp where Ramingining is located.
Learning to paint at the age of 11 years old, Andrew learned his totem, stories and songlines under the guidance of his late father, accomplished artist B. Malibirr.
“It’s good for me, I’m part of the board, it’s good for me passing my story on through my painting to the young generation. I’m teaching my kids to tell the story, same as my father told me the stories.”
Andrew is currently the sitting Chair of the Bula’bula Arts Board and is a strong leader both in art and within the Ramingining Community. A strong message he conveys in his work, is the sacredness of the themes he represents, describing the stories as Yolngu scripture.